Sunday, March 20, 2011


28DaysLater-Cover         28_days_later
yo yo yo! here we go again! now today we’ll be talkin about movies! now movies are  the greatest and yet entertaining hobby we can do! and without movies then life would be just boring with all of the commercials you see on tv! now one of my all time favorite movies is 28 days later! the story began with an animal activists invade a laboratory with the intention of releasing chimpanzees that are undergoing experimentation, infected by a virus -a virus that causes rage. The naive activists ignore the pleas of a scientist to keep the cages locked, with disastrous results. Twenty-eight days later, the protagonist Jim, wakes up from a coma, alone, in an abandoned hospital. He begins to seek out anyone else to find London is deserted, apparently without a living soul. After finding a church, which had become inhabited by zombie like humans intent on his demise, he runs for his life. Selena and Mark rescue him from the horde and bring him up to date on the mass carnage and horror as all of London tore itself apart. This is a tale of survival and ultimately, heroics, with nice subtext about mankind's savage nature!

farewell message to say 10 11

its almost the end of the school year! i had one of the greatest experiences last year! how can this year be so fast!? (sigh) oh well, hope everyone had a great time! there were alought of things that happened this year like the time we flew an air plane on someones head and we all went down and laughed! also the time i met my crew and we had an “on the spot” audtion and  we went through! of course, the time i joined a bboy battle in cypher studio! but too bad i lost at first round lol but some of them say i went through…and the time we bboyed on stage! i sucked at that time! and i fell inlove too early on someone…but recognized she loves someone else… to be honest i wont miss this year because next year will be better than ever! and i know we can all count on that! to all my friends, classmates, teachers, crewmates and loved ones! i will promise to you that this year would become better! it will become really better if you pray for it to become even more better than ever! hahahaha! anyway, so long farewell 2010-11! hope 2012 would become even more better! peace!

Saturday, March 19, 2011


yo yo yo! today where going to talk about songs! now everyone loves to listent to songs! i mean theres not a day you cant hear a song you know! thats what i say! so whats my favorite song… to be honest i have many favorites! thats what makes it difficult! but i mostly listen to hiphop, rnb, pop and much more of that! sometimes i cant get into rock music but as long as it sounds good, its okay! and when i say pop music i dont mean i listen to lady gaga, kesha, etc! i listen to old school music like run dmc, nsync, A1, and much more! hahahaha! well guess some of the songs i listen are new as long its a good beat! yeah! though hiphop has been a part of me so i cant regret that! i mean people think hiphop is all about gang shooting and stuff but for me, its all about living! not all hiphopers are gangsters! not all of them shoot! they may be bad in the outside but deep inside were different! hahaha yeah some of it may be bad influenced! but not all of them because the only fear we have is God! some people are hypocrites when they say LORD PLEASE HELP US! or LORD I LOVE YOU! then afterwards they dont really care! you know what im saying… for me, music is another way on expressing yourself.. and when you do it for the Lord… then that would be the greatest gift you can gift you can ever have! peace!


YOOOOOOO! today were talking about animals! now animals are one of the cutest, dangerous, scary living things we see! but what does these animals do to our lives?? well yeah their cute but not all of it! well just some…. but whatever! anyway some of these animals are endangered because some of them will extinct and one of those are pandas (my favorite) though i haven't seen one yet… but before they extinct i should see one just ONE panda bear with the black spots and the color white! well im not sure if they are going to extinct but i still need to see one! i love these kinds of creatures! though pandas arent that harmful (or are they). sometimes i wanna wrestle a bear or play with it lol! ahahahaha! but im good with my life so thats who i am! and thats how it is! PEACE!:)

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


hey yo! today were goin to talk about pc games! games have been sometimes an inspiration to us like flying a plain, driving a car, or just killing someone! but my all time favorite game is LEFT4DEAD! because one time my friend asked me if we could play left 4 dead with some friends and I told him that I don’t know how! and he told me its like counter strike with infected zombies and zombies have been my favorite characters in some kind of show in tvs or games! so I joined! and I got all nooby when I played because I was dyin and not asking my friend for some help! and after the game I was like “awww man! im a noob!” but my friend said “its alright! youll improve! and after a few months I got addicted to this game! though im not that much of a noob but I get used to it! and now I havent played left4dead for the past few months! but its okay! peace!


for the past 2 years in bloomfield  i learned a lot from my teachers! i hope i could stay till i graduate! one of my best inspiration in school is sir remus. he inspired me through dancing and being me! and he’s accent is incredibly awesome! but this 2nd year is kinda risky for me. last year was a little easier. now its getting tougher. math is a stress. well although i dont get what the lesson is about. i ask my classmates to help me. and they give me good advice like “wag ka nga kumopya!” yeah…really good advices! anyway i hate math the sameway people hate it too. but english is one of my favorites because its easy! though our teacher is a little boring, i get to learn. most of my time in school i spend on daydreaming. its actually a hobby of mine now. and my classmates always say “tualala nanaman!”and i just laugh about it! hope bloomfield will continue to share the knowledge to other people! And I believe that every graduates in bloomfield can share on what they learn throughout their highschool life! And that what makes bloomfield special! And it shows how much the teachers love their students


in our computer class you will learn lots of stuff about computer! like making websites, making blogs, doing mspaint and much more! i want to thank our teacher sir weng for teaching us how to do these kinds of activities where you can add to your life when you grow up! without sir weng, i wouldnt have this blog! and I wont forget the comfort music when were doing our work! whenever you want to ask questions, sir weng is the right person to be asked. What makes computer time fun is that  you can design and your website or blog! But the important thing in computer is the knowledge in it.  and when your knowledged, it means you can share it to other people on what you have learned! sharing good so everytime you share it makes you feel good because you feel that you’re that person who helped him/her and your that person who showed him/her the knowledge you have. so if you want to share something, make sure you know what you are doing and sir weng knows on what he’s doing! that what makes a better teacher! peace!